Adovacy Agenda
Tri-Region Letter on Decoupling
Near 0% Tax Cap Demands Fair Funding for Schools – LoHud January 5, 2016
Sample BOE Resolutions on GEA and Foundation Aid
LHCSS 2014-2015 Advocacy Agenda
LHCSS 2013-2014 Advocacy Agenda
LHCSS 2012-2013 Advocacy Agenda
Several LHCSS superintendents have coordinated an effort to “Suspend and Amend the New York State Education Transformation Act of 2015; It’s not too late to get it right!” The proposal and PETITION cite the need for adequate time to develop a researched-based approach to teacher evaluation and the use of student assessments.
Schools chiefs: Suspend the education bill
LHCSS partnered with Westchester Putnam School Boards Association on this powerful advocacy video.